
Girl footy part two – Girls against boys

April 26, 2017 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: AFL, Community 

Gym soccer took Oak Park High School by storm in 1984.  Stephen McNamara, a geography and history teacher, organised a competition among year eight students, eight teams to contest for the inaugural premiership.  The games would be played at lunchtime on the basketball court in the gymnasium.  The ball was no soccer ball.  It was a huge tennis ball.

The girls got what they wanted, but had to play the boys.

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Girl footy – Don’t you dare laugh

February 8, 2017 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: AFL, Community 

The assembly wasn’t paying attention.  The principal, Mrs Hannebery asked for silence three times.  She looked frustrated.  Her first name is lost somewhere in my memory, but she was tall, thin and good looking.

One of the first all-girl football games took place at Oak Park Primary

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  • Matthew Watson


    In front of the player’s race at Arden Street.

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    Welcome to the Ramble,

    My name is Matt Watson, avid AFL, cricket and boxing fan. Since 2005 I’ve been employed as a journalist, but I’ve been writing about sport for more than a decade. In that time I’ve interviewed legends of sport and the unsung heroes who so often don’t command the headlines.

    The Ramble, as you will find among the pages of this website, is an exhaustive, unbiased, non-commercial analysis of sport and life. I believe there is always more to the story. If you love sport like I do, you will love the Ramble…
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